“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1
At family camp every Thursday afternoon, each family had the chance to build a wind-powered boat out of milk cartons, sticks, and trash bags. Each group had its plans with specific masts, sails, keels, and secret weapons. The most intricate designs, however, didn’t always yield the fastest boats. On multiple occasions, the winner was a simple milk carton with no sail, keel, or additions whatsoever. All the fantastic additions proved only to add more drag. We are all masters of excuses. I am so depraved that I can find a way to justify almost any sin. Due to our sinful nature, we often go to extremes to do what we want to do and have what we want to have. As much as we think that getting it our way will be good for us, we are able to look back regretfully after enough experience and see how God’s way would have worked out so much better. And it would have added much less drag on our life. Christ has taken our entangling sin and freed us to see how truly beautiful and winsome a simple faith based in the Word can be.

Scripture Focus

Mark 5:1-20


Don’t just stop sinning, but fill your sails with the Word of God and focus on His truth. Stop sinning and start praising Jesus!

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Chronicles 29-30
  • Psalm 22
  • Mark 1