“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love. …Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

Psalm 51:1, 10
“When we see how much we need God to change us by his Spirit, and to change other people by his Spirit… then we will start to pray—and keep praying” (Gary Millar, 2016). Use the words of the prayer below to start that conversation now:

“Father in heaven, comfort those who are in deep sorrows. Strengthen those who are sorely tempted to the point of giving up. Lift the downtrodden and depressed. Remove the desire of those who prefer death to life. Deepen our faith so that we can see things eternal. Heighten our hopes when things look hopeless, humble us when tempted to be proud, raise up those who are humiliated, heal those whose body and mind are wasted by sickness. Lord, restore our souls.

“Spirit of the living God, be present in our lives and minister to the personal needs of us and our loved ones: the sighs and pangs of wrong choices and regrets, open wounds that never healed, and unforgiving spirits. Enter into the inward, untrodden recesses and the hidden corners of our souls. Heal and empower us to serve you.”

Scripture Focus

Psalm 51


“His purposes will ripen fast,/ unfolding ev'ry hour;/ the bud may have a bitter taste,/ but sweet will be the flow'r.” (William Cowper, 1774)

Bible In A Year

  • Lamentations 1-2
  • Psalm 128
  • 2 Corinthians 9-10


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