“The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.”

Proverbs 21:1
After a long wait in a doctor’s office one day with our son, I forgot my sunglasses on a table in the waiting room. When I realized the next day what I had done, I called the office to see if someone might have turned them in. A nurse said she had found the sunglasses as well as the Anchor devotional that was left with them. She proceeded to explain that she’d brought the booklet home with her. Amazingly, her husband had read it through that night and accepted the Lord into his heart! Though she’d been trying to share the good news of the gospel with him for years, it was not until he read Anchor one evening that Jesus became real in his life.
God used my weariness at the long appointment so I’d be forgetful and leave that Anchor behind. God used my silly concern for something material like sunglasses to cause me to call the office. God used those sunglasses to make a nurse notice the Anchor. God used the words an Anchor writer had written nearly a year before to draw a man to Him. I’m so grateful for the ways our God works!

Scripture Focus

Zephaniah 1:7


Kathy Daane, 53, has been the Anchor editor since 2008. She and her husband Kevin have raised two adopted children, their son being born as an 18-ounce, 24-week preemie.

Bible In A Year

  • Numbers 29-30
  • Psalm 76
  • John 18