“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

John 10:10
A woman from Ohio had just tried to commit suicide and then phoned our office. She was desperate. She wanted to “say good-bye” to anyone who would listen. Our Canadian staff kept her on the phone, talking and praying. Meanwhile we were able to trace her phone number and contact 911 in her area. Emergency personnel were dispatched to her home, arriving in time to get her to the hospital. Moved by the situation, all of us in the office prayed fervently for this dear one to come to Jesus.
The next week the same lady called to express her heartfelt appreciation for our kind words. She claimed those words had saved her life! She’d always been encouraged by the comforting message expressed on the daily Haven radio program, and at her darkest point, she was grateful that she could reach out to us. A tender voice breathing Jesus back into her soul on the other end of the phone line was exactly what she needed.
Join with us in telling the great story that’s all about Jesus. Show another aching person that Jesus came to give life to the full!

Scripture Focus

John 10:7-14


Deborah Graham, 59, office manager at Haven Ministries, Canada, shared this story, and is eternally thankful that she could be an instrument in the Lord’s hands that day.

Bible In A Year

  • Deuteronomy 5-6
  • Psalm 82
  • Acts 3-4


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