“In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.”

Luke 14:33
Any project we get into that involves buying something, building something, or going somewhere forces the question: How much is this going to cost? A price tag on a project will help us know whether we are all in or all out. Will I continue or pull out of the mission? Will it be worth the cost for the expected consequences? 
Really, this is what Jesus is addressing in Luke 14 with His followers. He is urging them to choose Him not out of convenience, or as an assurance of blessings, or even as a one-way ticket to heaven. If we’re going to follow Him, we will have to carry our own cross at some point, and that comes at a price. 
Though the Cuban government has relaxed the persecution against Cuban Christians, at times Christians on the island experience the cost of following Jesus. Yet as long as they are making disciples, they are relentless in sharing their faith. They have counted the cost and have decided it’s worth it. Consider what it will mean for you to follow Jesus. It will be the best thing you’ve ever done. 

Scripture Focus

Luke 14:25-33


“Following Christ isn’t something that can be done half-heartedly or on the side.” (Francis Chan, 2017)

Bible In A Year

  • Joshua 7-8
  • Psalm 100
  • Acts 24-25