“And repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”

Luke 24:47
Many of us Christians feel uneasy when we hear the words “go and share the gospel.” Fear mounts when we’re encouraged to evangelize in our town, at our work, or to our family. We can come up with all kinds of excuses: I can’t because it is not my gift; I don’t want to let God down by not saying the right things; these people are too far gone. 
Talking about Jesus to others ought to be the most thrilling experience we know. You may have even found it to be so in your life. A very real part of our life’s mission is to share the Good News with others. It’s why Jesus commanded us to “go and share.” You will never be measured by your response rate, but by your sharing rate. 
While in Cuba, I learned that I am to be a conduit of hope for those who do not know the gift of salvation in Jesus. The local church in the town of Pinar del Rio trains its members to go and share, realizing they could be the ones planting the first seed or the ones collecting the harvest. Go where He leads, and leave the results to the Holy Spirit. 

Scripture Focus

Mark 16:14-15


“Jesus does not expect all Christians to use the same methods of evangelism. But He does expect all Christians to evangelize.” (Donald S. Whitney, 2014)

Bible In A Year

  • Judges 12-13
  • Psalm 115
  • 1 Corinthians 7


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