“So then [Jesus] told them plainly, ‘Lazarus is dead …. But let us go to him’ Then Thomas … said to the rest … ‘Let us also go, that we may die with him.’”

John 11:14-16
Thomas, though barely mentioned in three of the gospels, is briefly presented to us in the book of John. We know he’d been with Jesus and the others through the miracles and teachings, through the hosannas and the crucifixion. He too experienced the sad loss of the One who had called him friend

But before he was “Doubting Thomas,” he was “Daring Thomas,” a disciple willing to put it on the line for the One he loved. When Jesus was ready to go to Mary and Martha after Lazarus’ death, all of the disciples urged Jesus not to go back where an attempt had been made on His life. Jesus knew the miracle of raising Lazarus would be pivotal for His friends’ belief and for His Father’s glory. It was Thomas who insisted, “Let’s go that we might die with him.” 

It’s a bold statement of courage and loyalty. If by saying it Thomas meant, “Let’s go and die with Jesus,” he didn’t understand fully how only Jesus could die and pay for the sins of the world. But Thomas also showed how loyal he was to his Lord, willing to take up his cross and die with Him.

Scripture Focus

John 11:1-16


In John 14:5 Thomas asked Jesus, “We don’t know where you’re going; how can we know the way?” It’s made plain to you and me in the Scriptures!

Bible In A Year

  • Numbers 31-32
  • Psalm 77
  • John 19

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