“Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you!’”

John 20:19b
Sadness, fear, and doubt. These are things that many of my incarcerated friends face every day. Prison is a hard place; the challenges are real. But sadness, fear, and doubt follow us in the free world, too. That has been true throughout all of history. Take a look at a few post-resurrection appearances of Jesus which teach us something important.

Mary was sad. She stood outside the tomb crying (see John 20:11). The disciples were afraid. They hid behind a locked door (see v. 19). And Thomas doubted (see v. 25). What Mary, the disciples, and Thomas needed most was Jesus. The resurrected Jesus came to them, and His presence chased away the sadness, the fear, and the doubt.

When His friends were suffering, Jesus did not leave them alone. He came to them. And it was His presence with them that made the difference.

What should we do when we are sad or afraid or doubting? Seek Jesus. Our troubles may not automatically disappear. But we can have confidence that the resurrected Jesus is with us, has given us His Word, and provides all we need.

Scripture Focus

John 20:1-30


Jesus, when I am sad, afraid, or doubtful, please give me the grace to know Your resurrected presence in my life. Amen

Bible In A Year

  • Leviticus 23-24
  • Psalm 58
  • Luke 22

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