“‘Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?’ asked Pilate …. But the priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead.”

Mark 15:9-11
In the mysterious outworking of God’s plan, two men—Jesus Christ and Jesus Barabbas (as some early manuscripts referred to this notorious criminal)—crossed paths at the pivot point of history. 

Their lives were about as opposite as two could be. Jesus Christ, the child of a poor Nazareth couple, a rabbi who healed and restored; Jesus Barabbas, a dangerous revolutionary who would tear down and destroy. Barabbas’ guilt was known while Jesus was of impeachable character. And how ironic that the convicted insurrectionist would go free while the charge of attempting an insurrection against Rome would be pinned on Jesus Christ. 

Consider the mosaic of evil on display at Jesus’ trial: an unjust government, a violent and murderous terrorist, a weak-willed leader, religion that had degenerated to wielding lies and hatred. In stark contrast, there stood the innocent One. The cross outside the city should have been Barabbas’. Instead, we would find there the Just One and the Justifier, the One who defeats the enemy powers and redeems the hearts of men. 

Scripture Focus

Mark 15:6-15


“Behold the man upon a cross,/ My sin upon His shoulders;/ Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice/ Callout among the scoffers.” (Stuart Townend, 1995)

Bible In A Year

  • Numbers 21-22
  • Psalm 72
  • John 13

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