“‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.’”

Matthew 4:19
After an unsuccessful overnight fishing trip, Peter hears Jesus urge him and his fishing partners to give the nets another chance. Scripture suggests that this tip rankles Peter, and we get it. Nobody likes it when an amateur weighs in on our area of expertise. By this point Peter knew that Jesus was good for miracles and messages, but why was He messing with their business? 

Yet Peter would learn, as do all who follow Jesus, that the Master is not just interested in our Sunday morning piety. He demands lordship over all of our lives, even and maybe especially those areas we have mastered. The miracle catch of fish served to give Peter and the others a glimpse of Jesus’ divine power, power they were compelled to bow to. And it hit Peter right where he was. 

Peter worshiped, almost unable to stand in Jesus’ holy presence (see Luke 5:8). Nobody in Scripture is ever casual about an encounter with the living God. Peter was being shown that he could afford to deny himself, leave home, and follow the One who made the fish, the sea, and everything.

Scripture Focus

Luke 5:1-11


Moses glowed, Isaiah was “undone,” Ezekielfell on his face, John fainted, Peter was overwhelmed. But they all followed. Will you do the same?

Bible In A Year

  • Numbers 5-6
  • Psalm 63
  • John 4

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