“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”

Galatians 6:7
There is a clear sowing-and-reaping principle in the Word of God. We all grasp the idea of it from a very young age. If we “sow” in good deeds and good behavior, we will “reap” reward. Consequences are an important part of how we are shepherded in the Lord. But changing our actions from bad behavior to good is a matter of the heart. And the heart is what Jesus was always—and still is—concerned about.

Author and speaker Tedd Tripp said, “In the world there is no hope of the gospel and the radical internal transformation that the gospel brings. But we as Christians don’t need to accept this. God is the one who changes hearts, and so you also must be focused on the heart” (2020).

This Scripture passage has been an encouragement to our prisoner-contributor for today as he has sought to sow a different kind of seed—seed that yields a harvest which is pleasing to the Lord. “Before I say or do something, I think about the consequences. I consider what I sow because I want to reap peace, happiness, and eternal life.”

Scripture Focus

Galatians 6:1-10


Pray for Eddie, 55, who has served seven years of a 20-year sentence, that God would surround him with those who understand the difference the gospel makes.

Bible In A Year

  • Leviticus 9-10
  • Psalm 50
  • Luke 14

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